Lou Zhenggang – 婁正綱(ろうせいこう・ロウセイコウ)


Gallery L opens in Hiroo, Tokyo, exhibiting the AWATA COLLECTION, which is comprised solely of works by Lou Zhenggang.

In April 2024, Gallery L opened in Hiroo, Tokyo, exhibiting the AWATA COLLECTION, which is comprised of various works by Lou Zhenggang. Mr. Takaya Awata, President and CEO of Toridoll Holdings Co., Ltd., which operates Marugame Seimen, is the owner of this gallery and an avid collector of Lou Zhenggang's works, one of Asia's leading artists.

“We would like to share Lou Zhenggang’s masterpieces with art lovers and inspire them with the power of her genuine works. By viewing them up close in the relaxing atmosphere of a residence, we want to bring them as close as possible to the joy of living with true art everyday." This desire led us to open Gallery L.

Gallery L Address:
Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (details not disclosed)

※This gallery's address is not made public, and visits are by reservation only.
For inquiries, please contact us below.

LZG Studio Kikuchi
Email: kikuchi@lzgstudio.com

UPDATE April 23rd, 2024