Lou Zhenggang – 婁正綱(ろうせいこう・ロウセイコウ)


The book “ Drops of Water Wear out the Stone, Small efforts, Grand Results- Lou Zhenggang’s Recent Paintings” is published

Curated by Shimbata Yasuhide/Chief Curator of Artizon Museum(until 2018 Bridgestone Museum of Art).Ishibashi Foundation.
Lou said “I entrust my spirit as a whole of each painting: I want to touch the spirit of the person who looks at my work . I want to keep painting, to the very limits of my self control, without collapsing.” The works in this book introduce some of the paintings that Lou Zhenggang has continued to draw in her studio in Izu in recent years.
Click here for details >>

UPDATE February 1st, 2022