Lou Zhenggang – 婁正綱(ろうせいこう・ロウセイコウ)


Joint Exhibition , Lou Zhenggang and George Mathieu from Feb.22 2020 to May.5, 2020

To prevent the spread of Covid-19, the openings have been postponed. We apologize to all those who have been looking forward to new exhibitions opening. Once the details are worked out and confirmed, they will be announced on our websites, social media and so on. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in there difficult times.

This exhibition themed “Encounter of Mindscapes” is firstly held at the Long Museum to displays Lou Zhenggang and George Mathieu’s art works that crossed a century. 22 art works of Lou Zhenggang will be exhibited together with George Mathieu.
From Feb. 22 2022 to May.5, 2020

【EXHIBITION】2020 Encounter · Mindscapes An Exhibition by Lou Zhenggang and Georges Mathieu

UPDATE January 29th, 2020